What we need to know about vegan leather?
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What comes to mind first when you hear vegan leather? Well, it imitates leather but it was created from artificial or plant-based products instead of animal skins. There are two common artificial polymers; polyurethane (PU) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC). According to PETA, these polymers are used to give wrinkled texture which helps to create the effect of real leather. Vegan leather does not always have to be produced from synthetic sources. It could be more natural sources such as pineapple leaves, cork, apple peels, and recycled plastic. In this circumstance, is vegan leather more sustainable than real leather?

As we stated above, vegan leather could produce both synthetic sources and natural sources. When we compare vegan and real leather, vegan leather has a lower harmful impact as far as real leather to the planet and climate changes. To give an example, the cattle industry plays a key role in climate change, the management of water, and biodiversity. Moreover, vegan alternatives have apparent disadvantages specifically when it is made from synthetic resources. Synthetic fibers can release toxic materials which are harmful to the planet also.The question should be that “what kind of leather should we buy?” There is no precise answer; however, the best thing is to do your research. Our duty as a customer should be aware of the brand’s ethical and tanning process.

Mylo Leather, a mushroom-based leather alternative.

Mirum Leather, made with waste cork, hemp, coconut and vegetable oil.
Another notable question should be that which brands or designers use vegan leather? Stella McCartney is one of the leading fashion designers who use only vegan leather. The vegan queen is considered the first designer who started to use only vegan leather in the past years. There are also a few brands that only use plant-based leathers. H&M is one of the biggest ready to wear brand and also one of the preeminent brands which use sustainable materials. Unfortunately, this is not enough for our planet to protect.
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Berfu Çifci
“Stay in fashion, fellas.“
Bu yazıdaki referanslar: peta.org/living/personal-care-fashion/what-is-vegan-leather/
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